There’s no shame in saying it — I’m a cat man.
Dogs are cool too. Fish can be dazzling.
When I was with Word Vietnam, we put emphasis on our wildlife conservation coverage, and gave support to Vietnam-based animal shelters and charities.
My next job was with Animals Asia, a China-based charity that advocates against the bear bile trade, and for the rights of animals in China and Vietnam. I became their International Content Manager in 2015.
In my time there, I wrote articles and posted on Facebook (300K+ followers), Twitter (100K+ followers), and Instagram (100K+ followers).
TW: These articles aren’t always pretty.
Have animal-centric writing needs? Reach out to me here!
* 43,070 stuffed marshmallows, 378 happy bears and the rest of the numbers that mattered in 2015
* 10 things you’ve (probably) never done for a good cause (and the people who did them)
* 10 tips for a cruelty-free Christmas
* “Bear cubs are cute, but rescuing them breaks my heart”
* BREAKING NEWS: Animals Asia rescue seven more bears from bile farms in Vietnam
* BREAKING: YOU have put Danang dolphin park project in doubt – now WE must ALL keep up the pressure
* Jigsaw stars in – “How to take the perfect nap”
* #MoonBearMonday – Post-Christmas edition
* The video that proves even an orphaned bear cub can be happy again